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Radiant / Sensation Pools

We get a few customers every year telling us they saw this great pool called Radiant or Sensation. We used to sell them and yes they are probably the best above ground pool available.

They call it a semi-inground pool

They sure do.

And as you can see on the front cover of their brochure, they also call it an above ground pool.

As mentioned previously, you can partially bury an above ground pool and you can call it whatever you want, but it's still an above ground pool.

garrage door.jpg

Radiant Pool
Cross Section

Garage Door

How they are different from a regular above ground pool

Both the Radiant and Sensation pools have a very thin inner and outer aluminum skin. Sandwiched in-between, is the same foam your last TV came packed in. 

This is nearly identically the way many doors are made.

And just like garage doors, they are made in sections that fit together with metal splines.

Typical above ground pools are one continuous piece of wall that has only one seam, not dozens.


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