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There are a number of possible reasons why you can’t get the minerals to register in the correct range. Keep in mind, it’s a slow process to increase or decrease the mineral ion level in a pool. But once they are in there, they are very stable and will stay in the water for several months.

1. Ensure you have the right model for your pool size. The A-800 model is rated for pools up to 25,000 gallons. The A-850 model is rated for pools up to 40,000 gallons. If your pool is on the cusp (e.g. 20,000 gallons), we recommend going with the A-850 model, especially in warm climates with lots of sun.

2. Ensure the “Ionizing” light is flashing (or solid when set to Large Dose).

3. Ensure your Natures Pure Ionizer controller is on 24/7 (not on a timer).

4. Make sure that your copper test kit has not expired. If you do not see an expiry date, the reagents last about 2 years. You can order replacement reagents at our store.

5. Ensure you are using the copper test kit properly (looking through the top of the test tub, not the side, to compare to color chart).

6. Ensure you have the Ion Action setting correct according to your volume of water. 

7. Set Large Dose to the value for your pool. This will run the controller full blast for the number of hours indicated. For example, setting the controller to Large Dose and then setting the number value to 48 will run the system full blast for 48 hours. You can test the copper level after 48 hours and if you do not get a 0.2ppm reading, you can run the large dose as many times as necessary until you get the ions to this level. When the controller is set to Large Dose, the Ionizing light should be on and not flashing. If the Ionizing light goes off after 5 to 10 minutes, there could be a problem with the controller. Call 1-866-704-8404 for assistance.

8. Check your phosphate level. A large algae population (which can be present but not yet visible) can use up the ions quickly and prevent the level from reaching 0.2ppm. We test this for you if you bring in a water sample.The Natures Pure Phoszyme treatment helps keep phosphates down after initially removing it.

9. If you have used a stain and scale chemical or sequestering agent, this will remove minerals from the water and will neutralize the generation of new mineral ions. After a month, the sequestering agent will dissipate and your ion levels will rise to the correct level.

10. Make sure you are keeping the chlorine at 1-3ppm while the minerals are ramping up. This is equivalent to adding two or three chlorine tablets to your skimmer or inline chlorinator. This will help control algae and make it easier for the minerals to reach the recommended range. Once the copper ion level reaches 0.2ppm, you can start ramping down the chlorine level. One bag per 10,000 gallons of Natures Pure sodium di-chlor is generally enough for most pools. However, as stated in various other areas, no two pools are the same. High organics, high bather load and multiple other factors contribute to the actual amount of chemistry required to maintain a pool. You may need to double the frequency of Natures Pure sodium di-chlor and Natures Pure Mineral Oxidizer to overcome your pools particular demand.

11. If there is any question as to whether the controller, electrodes or copper test kit are functioning properly, you can test the system by putting the electrodes in a glass of water, and set the Ion Action to 98. Within 15 minutes, the water should turn blue, and the reading should be over 1ppm.

If the ‘Ionizing’ light is NOT flashing (or solid when on Large Dose) or if you have tried all of these things and still have a problem, please call us for assistance: 1-866-704-8404


Copper is one of the minerals that Natures Pure adds to your pool and it is the easiest one to test for. We recommend keeping the copper ion level in the range of 0.2ppm to 0.4ppm.
If you find that your copper level has gone above 0.4ppm, it is okay as long as it is under 1.0ppm. However, you are using up your minerals faster than necessary.
If your copper reading comes in at 0.4ppm – 1.0ppm, set the Ion Action to 00 for 2 weeks and test it again. If it is back in the 0.2ppm to 0.4ppm range, set the controller to the appropriate setting according to the operating manual.
If your copper is well above 1.0ppm, we recommend using a stain & scale (sequestering) chemical to bring it down. This is the only time you should ever use a sequestering agent on a mineral pool. Unfortunately, this chemical will neutralize all new minerals for up to 6 weeks. So it is best to cut the power to the Natures Pure controller for 6 weeks after adding it so you don’t waste the mineral plates. Also, you must maintain the chlorine at 1ppm to 3ppm during this time.
A sequestering chemical should only be used as a last resort.


There is an issue with some models that forces the controller back to the Large Dose state on the 00 setting after power up.
To fix this, switch the unit to Ion Action and then press the ‘+’ button.
You can verify that the issue is fixed by unplugging it from the power source and then plugging it back in. The unit will now power up in Ion Action mode with the setting you chose. You can now set the Ion Action to the appropriate level for your pool or spa (details in the operating manual).


The Natures Pure mineral cell will last 6 – 12 months depending on the size and usage of your pool. The first cell will go quicker because the minerals need to ramp up in the water. Once they have ramped up, there are very stable, even over the winter. So, subsequent cells will last longer.
If the mineral probes look like they are destroyed or the ‘Ionizing’ light on the ClearBlue is OFF, it’s time to replace your cell:


The Natures Pure mineral cell is the part that connects to the pink connector on the controller and threads into the tee in the pool plumbing. When the mineral plates on the cell have worn down, this entire part must be replaced.

To replace your mineral cell:

1) Turn off the pool pump so there is no water flowing
2) If you have a valve before the  tee, turn that to the OFF position
3) Turn the cell housing counter-clockwise to unscrew it from the tee
4) Unplug the cell cable from the controller
5) Remove the new cell from the packaging
6) Thread the new cell into the tee and turn it clockwise until it is tight. You do not need to use a wrench. Hand tight is okay.
7) Turn the cell so that the water flows between the two plates. This will ensure even wear.
8) Plug the cell cable into the pink connector on the controller
9) Turn the pump back on

Important: It is important that the cell is turned so that the water flows between the two plates (or as close as possible). This ensures that the mineral bars will wear evenly.

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