Your pool includes everything you need to operate it
We give you your choice of filter options, sand, DE or cartridge at no cost difference to you. The size of the filter and pump are matched to the pool for best performance and utility savings.
Maintenance Kit
A maintenance kit consisting of the things you need to brush, net leaves and vacuum the pool is included.
If you don't want to fish out leaves with a net, we have you covered with an automatic pool cleaner.
We include a full eight foot width entry step with optional internal steps, benches and ledge features.
Project Management
We handle the permits, coordinate dump sites, work with the electrician, landscaper or your home builder as a normal part of doing business.
Gravel Backfill
We use proper drainage techniques to prevent potential ground water issues. Part of that is correctly backfilling the pool with gravel not the excavated soil.
Final Grade
We include a rough final grade around the pool. We say rough because excavated soil is not "top soil". We can only push around what we dig out. If extra top soil is needed, we can arrange for delivery of it, apply it and then bill you for it.
Chlorine or non-chlorine pools are the two options.
Chlorine can be introduced into the pool by either tablets with and a feeder or generated from salt.
Reduced chlorine exposure can also be accomplished with the use of minerals, ozone, UV, and AOP.
A basic winter cover and solar cover are included.
Also available are a variety of safety covers both manual and automatic.
Your pool comes with a standard white light but we also offer optional colored lights that can be operated from your phone
Concrete Decking
A complete concrete walk around is included and the amount varies by pool size and shape. It is equal to approximately four feet all around the pool however, placement and amounts are variables that you decide. Colored, stamped and exposed aggregate are all available options.
Safety rope and floats are included if you choose a deep end. Dual anti-vortex main drains and a ladder exiting a deep end are also standard as is the equipotential bonding grid now required in most areas.
Our pools include a transferable (first to second owner only) lifetime warranty. A substantial advantage if you sell your home later.